Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Let the Blogging Begin

Greetings! Modet Inc.'s Etiquette Today monthly newsletter is a great way to provide my readers with educational articles and important updates, however, it doesn't give me a place to 'just chat' with you. As an etiquette consultant you'd be surprised by some of the things I see and some of the questions I'm asked and "One Rude Person" gives me a place to share my world with you. Here you'll find funny stories, etiquette tips, resources for job seekers going on job interviews, people skills topics in the news, information on professional presence & image, my commentary on etiquette & protocol in television shows, celebrity faux pas and much more.

Not only will this blog be fun to read, but you just might learn a thing or two. So...check the blog often and please tell everyone you know about One Rude Person.

Changing the Face of Etiquette,

PJ McGuire

P.S. Do you have an etiquette or protocol question but you're too embarrased to ask? Well...your secret question is safe with me, email me at

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